
Showing posts from June, 2020

Pottering about (the wildflowers) - my first garment design

Grab your cuppa and have a read all about My. First. Garment. My weight has fluctuated from a small 12 to a stuffed 16, so the idea of making garments just seemed like an absolute waste of time. That, and sizing, and MATHS. But the problem is, I have fallen in love with indie hand dyed 4ply yarn, and all those GORGEOUS knitted yokes.  And so, in a COVID-19 driven era, I learn how to make garments, and my brain has been running WILD since. The initial inspiration - nature and colour Long walks around our local village hand in hand with my partner (how romantic? except actually we always end up with clammy hot and sweaty hands, mmm nice), we are surrounded by farmland and fields and I tell you the wildflowers are glorious. I started to put a pinterest board together to capture the colours and feels of these walks. This then evolved throughout the project. The yarn - yum The first yarn I wanted to use was obvious - the delectable sisters at Hook & Light, a local due who dye natural f

Bring me Sunshine, in your eyes. Bring me rainbows, from the skies.

If someone had told you all the things that would happen in 2020, before we even saw its fourth month, would you have believed them? Every man, woman and child has been impacted in some way. I was due to start a new adventure in my life, having quit my third job in a year (I was already taking some time to myself due to mental ill health and settle in to a more comfortable balance). In February I decided that I wanted to start a new career in children and young peoples mental health and well-being. I found an online distance learning level two certificate that was fully funded (no idea who by) so I applied, I went and spoke to the head teacher at my daughters primary school and we drafted up a volunteering / work experience plan, I started to fill out all the required paperwork. All the while things were un-settling in Wuhan but didn't seem to be of a big concern over here in the UK, *cough* Brexit *cough*.  LEAP YEAR DAY. My Nana passes away. In New Zealand. I was closest to my N